Marianne Design clearstamp – CS1079 – “Wishes”

kr. 52,00

Marianne Design clearstamp – “Wishes”.

Sæt med 16 stempler. Sættet er mange ønske-tekster. Alle tekster er engelske.
Teksterne er: “Wishing you well”, “I wish you”, “Hugs, kisses and birthday wishes”, “May all your dreams and wishes come true!”, “I wish you were here”, “Best wishes”, “Wishing you a wonderful day”, “health”, “Close your eyes and make a wish”, “Happiness”, “success”, “lots of love”, “We wish you a very happy birthday”, “Make a wish…”, “Lots of luck” & “We wish you a lovely day”.

På lager: 3 på lager


Største stempel (“May all your dreams…”) måler: 7 x 1,1 cm.

Vægt0,025 kg


Marianne Design
